Sunday, November 9, 2008

First Tooth (Almost)

Andrew is working on his first tooth!

He's been pretty happy, without bad symptoms or irritability. We can see the tooth-which is his bottom middle/right- budding up to the surface. I can feel it when I run my fingers over his gum. He hasn't bit me yet... but I'm sure he will eventually!

There's no way I can capture it coming in with a photo. Everytime I push his lower lip down to expose his coming-in tooth, he sticks his little tongue out and over it!

I will be sure to post the picture when the tooth is fully out and visible in his smile.


Christi said...

HOW EXCITING!!!! ;-) You're lucky he isn't being fussy/irritable... can't wait to see pics once it pops through! ;-)

Are you ready for our simultaneous blogs this Friday? ;-) (6 month and 8 month...haha)

Anonymous said...

Aww..this makes me almost want to cry knowing my baby will be there in no time! That's exciting though. Yay for teeth! Babies are awesome:)