Monday, November 10, 2008

New Camera, with VIDEO!

Thanks to Gramma Rosie, we got a new family camera for Christmas! I know, I know, it's early... but I'm pretty sure this gift is gonna greatly benefit her (and all the others who track Andrew online) and so the earlier the better.

I definitely wanted the new camera to have video with sound and an easy-to-YouTube quality. Our old camera was lacking in those two departments. With Andrew being so mobile and quickly babbling more and more, pictures just wouldn't capture those moments! We are so THANKFUL for the upgrade!

Needless to say, I've been playing with it all day! Here are some samples:

Our YouTube "channel" is:
There are more sample videos there, but the above is my favorite.

The picture quality is also really nice. There are different setting to ensure a Best Shot. Currently, it's programmed to the Children setting which allows a faster shutter speed, and something about enhanced skin tones.

Andrew enjoying his Biter Biscuit:
From November 2008


Amanda said...

wow i can't wait to see andrew in person again!! He is growing so fast!!

Rivers and Kate said...

That boy needs a real football, probably one with a paw on it...

Dave and Lindsay Lewis said...

what kind of camera is it and do you recommend it? know how much it cost? I need to get one. My $75 walmart one is too delayed and misses too many smiles. Also, i want a better video feature.