I'm going to be tracking what he eats, in order, and hopefully capturing some funny faces for likes and dislikes. And sharing it with all 5 people that read this (including you, Dee).
Last night he ate- I use the term loosely- Rice Cereal.
We decided it was time to try. We've been using our dining nook table to eat family meals together. I pull Andrew's high-chair up to the table, and he watches us eat. (Clue #1 he's ready to start.) Sometimes I would catch him following the fork to one of our mouths. (Clue #2) I'd sometimes hear him smacking his own mouth, and making chewing motions. (Clue #3)
Other indicators that he's ready to eat 'solids' include being able to sit supported (check) and being at least 3 months (check).
It went VERY well. He was interested in the dish and its contents, he opened his mouth for the spoon... okay, so he opens his mouth for just about anything... but he started mouth movements (I can't really call them chewing) and he got 80% of it down. The other 20%, of course, was shared between his face and bib. But that's to be expected, the boy has never eaten from a spoon before! Needless to say, we're very proud.
He didn't spit up, or have a rumbly tummy. So, I deem it a success!
Getting ready for the food!
Bowl? Spoon?
Mouth, meet spoon.
I don't have man hands, James was feeding Andrew up until this point!
I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't get an After shot. Oh well. Next time.
He is very interested in the bowl....good job Andrew! Grandma Ruth is proud of you. I miss all of you so much
He is getting so big! Hope you all are doing well!
Just looking at the pictures again of him eating....he is just the cutest little guy!
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