In case you missed it, I'm pregnant with our Second Child.
Next question: When am I due? Good question. I'm guessing sometime in December.
Here's what happened. Okay, so I'm going to skip how it actually happened... but here's how I found out and why I don't know how far along I am or when I'm due.
I nursed Andrew until his first birthday and the whole time I didn't get a period. Not complaining, just stating the facts. I started to wean him and I figured I should be getting a visit from Aunt Flo. So when I didn't I got a little concerned because I had read that when breastfeeding decreases substantially, the period returns. The no-longer-nursing body says- "Bring on the next baby!"
Or it did in my case...
Anyway, so I was concerned and talked to a friend who said: "Are you sure you're not pregnant?"
My response was a lovely rolling of my eyes and a joke about the Vatican needs to be called because the amount of our adult alone time would lead me to believe that would be pretty close to Immaculate Conception.
Her response: "Well, it only takes one time."
That got to me a little so I bought a pregnancy test and took it on March 31st. The result was negative.
More weeks pass, nothing happens. I go to the Dr. to explain my situation. We want to have more children and we wanted to start trying once Andrew had his 1st birthday. Since we had to try with Andrew, I figured we'd have to try again and therefore needed a period to mark a starting point. Nothing important came of that visit... they didn't take a pregnancy test.
Another week and another conversation about second children, and another joke about "James would have to receive a vision from an angel for him to believe I was pregnant."
Ha. James didn't receive the vision, I did. Seriously. I dreamt I took another pregnancy test and it was positive.
Holy smokes... good thing I bought the value pack! There was another test left in the package, so I peed on the stick, if for nothing else but to put the voices in my head to rest- to be able to tell my friends, AGAIN, that NO, I WAS NOT PREGNANT.
Then the second line showed up. And I'm pretty sure I heard the sound of Immaculate Laughter.