Nick and Amanda are proud parents- but that's not my news to share.
Now back to me:
Prior to March 14th, 2008 I was scared of babies- particularly newborns. Okay, correction and confession, maybe I was terrified up until the 15th or 16th.
They are so small, helpless, and needy. They're a huge responsibility, and they rely solely on YOU to keep them alive. Do you know how many plants have perished under my care? Yeah... so I was a little nervous. I'm pretty much over that, since Andrew is a perfectly fat and seemingly happy 12 week old.
Now whenever I hear a pregnancy announcement, I get super excited. Genuinely super excited, and sometimes I even cry. You know who you are.
I get even more excited when I get text messages that read: "I'm in labor. More later." It's like I can't concentrate on anything else for that day. I wonder if the baby has hair. If the little baby is a he or she. How's Mom doing? What's his name? How much does she weigh? How long was the proud Momma in labor? (Jesus, I just started crying! What's WRONG with me?) I want to know everything. Every somewhat-nasty detail. Most importantly, when can I come over and hold him? I'll wash my hands first, I promise.
When did this person take over my body? This person who wants to talk about episiotomies and breast feeding. This person enjoys hearing birth stories and seeing scrunched up freshly-born faces. Who is this woman? This woman who cries when she types the words "proud Momma."
Q: When did I fall in love with newborns?
A: March 14th, 2008.
BTDT . . . still do 'cept now it's Proud Gramma Rosie
thanks for the shout out..i will have to print it off and scrapbook it! Can't wait for you guys to get to Pensacola!
Yes, the most wonderful feeling in the world is that of a proud mother. To which I can say, I truly am. Both my sons amaze me. Now to the great feeling of being a grandmother....I guess you understand now why I started crying when James first told me you two were expecting a baby!!
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