Saturday, November 17, 2007

Bundle of Boy

Jump about 20 weeks from the last post...

I'm now 23 weeks pregnant. We had an ultrasound a couple days ago-- we're having a boy!!

I'm female (obviously) so at one point I was a little girl. I've never been around a baby, let alone a baby BOY. The only child that I can relate to is myself.

A friend came over today with my favorite 7 year old. Who happens to be a boy. I asked what he wanted for Christmas. He went on about WebKins. Uh, WhatKid? I've never heard of them. But then again, I AM 26.

I do know the basics of football. I can sit through baseball games. Soccer... well, his Dad played soccer.

I'm excited to be having a boy, a son. I'm excited for whatever this child has in store for me, but what I'm looking forward to even more- for all he's going to teach me.

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