Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dizzy Dancer

We live in a pretty big house.  We're moving to a smaller house and have since gotten rid of our guest room mattress, which leaves a large room for Andrew to just hang out in.

He LOVES it in there.  I don't know if it's the open space or the fact that the door was closed for a couple months.

I hear him in there and he's spinning around with one arm up, falling on the floor, laughing, marching around, and having a good ol' time!

I tried to capture it on video, but he just crawls into my lap.  

Until I tricked him... he doesn't know I'm there and so this is him just being silly.

Dance as if no one's watching, right?


Amanda said...

carter enjoyed andrew's dancing he was laughing at him!!

Christi said...

That is sooo cute! He is a funny boy and I totally understand having to be sneaky to catch stuff on video. ;-) I can't wait to see how funny Holt Baby #2 is!