Monday, June 29, 2009

Home is a feeling, not a place

I don't have any pictures because I don't want to ruin the illusion. And I haven't taken any.

The new base house is awesome. It's 1300 sq. ft., no garage, old and I LOVE IT. There's just enough room to feel cozy, to feel comfortable. Like, maybe I'll buy a sign that says: There's no place like home.

Follow me for a minute...

The Rock Creek house was nice. But it wasn't me. It was too big and too empty. It allowed for us (read: me) to keep things around because there was a lot of space.

Here, I truly feel "at home." I have friends up the street, I have friends down the street. I have friends a couple blocks away! (Of course, I have friends across the country and across the internet, but bear with me here...)

I was forced to get rid of things I did not want or need. There just isn't room for it all. I feel like I traded the junk, the thing-things, for things that mattered a little more- friends that I can rely on and call in a pinch- like when we spilled paint on the hardwood floor... and when I needed pants for a 5 year old that wet himself. One poor child was threatened with formula, if I really needed his Momma.

These are the "things" I really need. Not "stuff" to fill empty spaces. I am still unpacking and still sorting through what needs to be kept close and what needs to be let go.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day at the Beach

We spent Father's Day at Carolina Beach! Grandma Ruth was there, so it was nice to get to celebrate together.

I didn't have my camera out when he was playing in the water and the waves with Dad. I'm working on it, okay. I'm getting better...

Here's the visual documentation of Andrew's first official visit to the beach:

Playing in the sand:

Digging with seashells:

Look at this:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

My favorite:

15 Months

Andrew-ski went in for his 15 month Baby Wellness last Friday.

Here are his latest stats:

Weight: 24 lbs 5 oz (44%)
Height: 31.75" (65%)
Head Circumference: 19.5" (96%)

We are happy with those numbers. Speaking of numbers, my hormone level is down to 432! About a month ago it was at 371,000 so it's decreased quite a bit. :) Hopefully we can cut down on the once-a-week visits and go to once-a-month visits.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

As Promised...

Over the Memorial Day weekend, we went and visited some family.

Andrew had a BLAST playing with his cousin, Addison.  (She's 3 months older.)

Cue the visual aids:

Color coded, gender specific drinks:

It feels good to be a gangster:

Playing in the dirt:     




Biggest Belly Contest:

Bath Time: