We are alive and well in North Carolina! We made it with a couple hours to spare before the family arrived! We had my Mom, my Mother-in-Law Ruth, my brother Jimmy and his wife Jen, my Brother-in-Law Justin and his girlfriend Ashley.
My Mom arrived on Dec. 23rd
Ruth arrived on Dec. 24th
Jimmy and Jen arrived on Dec. 25th
Ashley surprised Justin (who was already with us) on the 25th.
Eh, so what right? We only moved in on the 22nd. I say moved in, I really mean scrambled to find a house, sign a lease, and unload the truck all on the 22nd.
We put together beds, got out towels, and unpacked the Christmas tree and boxes. The rest remained for later.
As you can imagine, Andrew had a great Christmas. Our gift giving was focused around the all-awesome dump truck. Keeping with the theme, we got him a few actual dump trucks, a dump truck printed sleeper, a puzzle with a cement mixer (close enough to a dump truck) and some other dump truckin' goodies.
But it didn't stop there. Family and friends were very generous and Andrew is set for at least the next 3 months. (His birthday is in March, ya know.) He got 2 walkers, lots of nice clothes, toys, and even Grandma Ruth snuck in a dump truck.
Team Holt got an early camera, dishes, a vacuum cleaner (!) and beer.
Now for some visual arts (I use the term "arts" loosely):
Andrew with one of his new walkers and unwrapped loot:

He was super excited:
With the sea horse from Grandma Ruth:
Opening one of his dump trucks:

And what were the Grandmothers doing?
James and his Magic Hat #9 (it's beer):
Yes, that is a Pantera t-shirt he's got on. A gift from Justin. Nothing says Christmas like Pantera and beer.
Another dump truck for Andrew:
Merry belated Christmas to all!
-Be sure to check back I'll have additional videos posted!-