Whoever said that "having a baby changes everything" was right on. No kidding. It's the truth.
I gave birth almost a month ago... tomorrow will be his 1-Month birthday! I can't believe he's my baby!
When we first brought him home, I charted everything. I made sure to track every wet diaper, every bowel movement, the exact time of feedings- I mean, 4:43 vs. 4:45 kind of exact. I wrote down when he went to sleep, when he woke up, how long he fed, everything. Enough to make me cry when it was suggested that I stop.
Then I realized I couldn't even recall the last time I went to the bathroom, ate, or slept last.
I've since stopped the madness. I still check the clock when I sit down to feed him, just to see how long he eats to count it as a real feeding. Not that I'm writing the results down! I've also given up on counting diapers. The output is so great I'm not concerned about it anymore.
People ask: "How's the baby?" I want to respond: "He's ruined my life." Well, the life I used to know. Let me explain: I can't concentrate on anything else, nothing is as important. I find myself thinking about amazing he is. The term current events refers to the fact that he weighs close to 10 lbs already! I don't care about what's going on in the television shows I used to watch regularly...
They're just not as exciting as the beautiful baby boy napping in his swing.